Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Fast Pace

Friday, February 23, 2007

At Work (late)

This is Stephanie painting in the studio, anyone who knows stephanie knows that she enjoys very artistic things. So I thought this showed a good element of work because she looks busy doing somthing thats not easy.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Shadow and Light 2

this is another shadow and light one.. I didn't have enough time to post this one... but i liked it a lot... its closer spamp!!

Friday, February 16, 2007


thi is my shadow black and white shot...... I didnt have enough time to post all of the other ones that i liked.... but I liked how you can see the water dripping from the gutter pipe. :)

Wednesday, January 31, 2007


This first picture is the light in the studio. I liked how it was really dark but also really bright at the same time.

This picture was kind of stolen from Ryanne. We both had the idea to take pictures of the Izze bottles... and I liked how this one turned out.. but ryanne's are better :)

This one is of a cork bored in my kitchen. I liked the angle.. the only thing I wasn't crazy about was how blurry the front was. But I did like the look of it.

The top one is the one that I edited in photoshop and the bottom one I didnt do anything to. I like how close up the beads are.------I went a little crazy posting pictures but i really liked this assignment so I put up all of my favorites.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Out My window

Even though this isnt really out.. out my window my shutters were closed and I liked the shadows it created. I really like how close up this picture i also.

Best Of 06

This is a picure I took while we were practicing depth of field. I tried to focus on a certain part of the red.... this is someones parking spot in the parking lot. I really like the bright colors of this picture.

Thursday, December 07, 2006


This is my picture for holiday. I was at starbucks and they had the coffee and the bear sitting out. I thought it really yelled christmas, which is one of the many Holidays that there are. I really like the way the bags look.

Thursday, November 30, 2006


For Cold...I went a little crazy and took a lot of pictures so I decided to post a few of enjoy...

The first picture is of a man standing at a bus stop. I was going to crop out the tail lights if the car but I think it shows more of the coldness and you can see where the fog is coming from. I thought this represented cold very well because you can tell that he is bundled up and trying to stay warm.

This next picture is outside of my work and there was lots of steam from the fountain and there was lots of snow I cropped out a lot of the picture though because I thought it got more down to detail.

This last one I really liked because of the colors and the lines of the shoes that have walked through the snow. I thought it just looked like a really dead COLD picture. haha.

Monday, November 27, 2006


I didnt really have a full blown feast for Thanksgiving because it was just my mother. So i figured a fridge filled with food said "feast" I like how in the fridge it looks never-ending.

Friday, November 17, 2006


I thought this was fashion...because there are lots of clothes in the closet and there are all different colors and styles. So I thought this was a good example

Thursday, November 09, 2006


The Cold breeze felt in all directions
White flakes whispering all around.
Fireplaces lit, smooke from rooftops
People walking around like eskimos
Winter is near
They know they cant stop your wrath
Chills are felt thoughout the city
Screaming children sliding down hills
Foggy breath seen all around
Only warmth is in the comfort of your home
The cold is upon us
Winter is here.

This is a picture of out my window when it was cold outside. I couldnt get a picture of snow but I thought this brought the winter effect.....There is a reflection of my room in the window too.


This is a picture of my room.... Its where I can truely feel at home.. or at least try and feel at home. I recently moved and my old house was always my home, and my new house hasnt really felt like a home yet. My room is a close start.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


This is a picture of people moving. I think it shows time because people dont just stay in the same spot. Things change in time. It also kind of shows motion. But i liked it. I though it fit best for time.

Friday, October 20, 2006


I took a picture of a pumpkin for my autumn photo but i thought this one turned out better. I like how one part is a little out of focus but the rest you can tell the tree is changing colors.

Friday, October 13, 2006


This is my shadow picture... I wanted to edit it but...I cant...I like the shadows of the little dips in the sand. thats my favorite part of it. and I like how its just sad...nothing else.

Friday, October 06, 2006


Friday, September 29, 2006

Favorite Place

I love this picture because if you look hard then you can actually see the streets and the neighborhood. I love the sun.. It makes you feel as if you actually right in front of the sun. This was my favorite picture out of all of them of my specical place.

Friday, September 22, 2006

My School

My School

I took this picture of the trophy case in the main hall. I took it mainly because it isnt really somthing people at our school actually look at everyday. Its a part of TJs history. And I thought it was an interesting picture. I also took another picture, and im going to post that one tool. :)

Friday, September 15, 2006


For my post of green I decided it would be easiest to think of the most things known for being green. I was wondering areound outside and I realized "hoses are definetly green" and So i went and took a picture of it. I took a lot of picures of outside, and trees and many things like that and when i looked back over my pictures, the ones of the hose where better. I liked the shadowing and lines. I liked this one of the hose the best because I didnt have to do any editing to it to make it look better.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

My Room

I designed my room by putting things that I like in there. I put a poster of the Fray because they are my favorite band. I made it look somewhat crazy by putting all the random dots everywhere, because thats the type of person I am. I made the background of the window a concert because I love music, its my favorite thing in the world and I thought it added more depth. Everyone in the class noticed that I put nyself far away from the window and that it means that I distance myself from people and I dont trust people. It makes some sense. I also put a picture of a puppy because I love puppies