Wednesday, January 31, 2007


This first picture is the light in the studio. I liked how it was really dark but also really bright at the same time.

This picture was kind of stolen from Ryanne. We both had the idea to take pictures of the Izze bottles... and I liked how this one turned out.. but ryanne's are better :)

This one is of a cork bored in my kitchen. I liked the angle.. the only thing I wasn't crazy about was how blurry the front was. But I did like the look of it.

The top one is the one that I edited in photoshop and the bottom one I didnt do anything to. I like how close up the beads are.------I went a little crazy posting pictures but i really liked this assignment so I put up all of my favorites.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Out My window

Even though this isnt really out.. out my window my shutters were closed and I liked the shadows it created. I really like how close up this picture i also.

Best Of 06

This is a picure I took while we were practicing depth of field. I tried to focus on a certain part of the red.... this is someones parking spot in the parking lot. I really like the bright colors of this picture.